Disney will use artificial intelligence in their movies

Disney will use artificial intelligence in their movies

Disney will use artificial intelligence in their movies | Disney world is going to adopt AI in their movies. AI is something that claims to be human-like intelligence. AI does decision-making, translations, and many other functions like our mind can do. This idea of intelligence has becoming viral day by day.

Now Disney is using this for telling the stories. The team of Disney is working on it. One of the team members says that although we can’t use it blindly it could be used as a future pioneer for our stories and it is emerging as a successful idea in storytelling.

To make a database for checking AI’s ability out, Disney has filled 28,320 questions and answers on Quora. most of the answers were given by in story like the style so that they can use it as an experiment and it looks cool. This can be used as a quality check as well for any novel etc.

Artificial intelligence for Disney can be beneficial in understanding the audience and it helps in ensuring to the audience for upcoming releases of its movies and crowd helps in making money.

Disney wants to utilize facial technology, by using deep observation over the learning of techniques for tracking the reaction of the audience while watching the movie.

an artificial project is between in tech arm and Disney research, Disney science this technology work in a good manner after observing the audience face. This helps in predicting how an audience is going to react to the rest of the movie. the FAVEs helps in recognizing the facial expression of an audience like laughter, smile, sad, crying by this Disney can easily make a connection with the audience and they can find out the expression which audience make on different scenes.

They have made three parts of this network, first to look at a small bunch of stories, the second one to see how those bunches can get fitted, and the third one to evaluate this. As a  result, it will be easy to determine what could be kept and what should be discarded.

The test was held to check the ability of AI as to how many stories it can tell from the database and it makes sense or not. What are your thoughts on it??. Share with us.

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